The story of Forgetting Jake

There are two things I need before I set pen to paper, or my fingers to the computer keyboard. First I sat down and gave names/personalities to all of my characters and I try to imagine what each of them looks like in person. I give them a life story, favorite things, etc,. Then I imagined the town where they live. Carter's Pass is a fictional town near the Cascade Mountains of Eastern Oregon, the kind of place I would love to live in myself, though of course they're not isolated from the world. I gave Carter's Pass a population, broken down by race, creed, income, religion, even an infrastructure (fire, water, electricity, medical care) They have cell service and internet, there's major shopping about three miles outside of town. I have several other Carter's Pass tales in my head at the moment, so stay tuned.

Where did I get my idea for #ForgettingJake? That's going to be the subject for my next blog. So stay tuned...

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